StarCrawlers Wiki

StarCrawlers features 4 distinct Difficulties (and an optional mode, see below) that modify numerous aspects of gameplay. The difficulty is chosen upon starting a new game.


"Relax and enjoy the story!" - in-game description

Story equates to "easy" mode in that:

  • Enemy Strength is reduced
  • Mission Danger is reduced


"The default StarCrawlers experience." - in-game description

Standard equates to "medium" mode in that:

  • Enemy Strength is normal
  • Mission Danger is normal


"For professional crawlers and vets." - in-game description

Challenge equates to "hard" mode in that:

  • Enemy Strength is boosted.
  • Trap Strength is boosted.
  • Boss Fights scale to the player's level.
  • The party is no longer automatically healed upon mission completion.
  • Downed crawlers suffer injuries and debuffs.


"For Crawlers who relish the old days." - in-game description

Hardcore equates to "very hard" mode in that:

  • Enemy Strength is deadly.
  • Trap Strength is deadly.
  • Story Missions scale to the player's level.
  • Boss Fights scale to the player's level.
  • The party is no longer automatically healed, whatsoever.
  • Downed crawlers suffer injuries and debuffs, which are permanent.


"Not for the faint of heart." - in-game description

IronMode is an additional set of features that can be toggled on each difficulty.

  • Limit of 1 IronMode save that automatically updates.
  • Death is permanent, items and equipment is permanently lost.
  • Auto-save updates whenever a character dies.